The factors that affect the mold structure and the individual system of the mold:
1. 型腔布置。根据塑件的几何结构特点、尺寸精度要求、批量大小、模具制造难易、模具成本等确定型腔数量及其排列方式。
1. Cavity layout. According to the geometric structure characteristics,
dimensional accuracy requirements, batch size, mold manufacturing
difficulty and mold cost, the number and arrangement of cavities are
2. 确定分型面。分型面的位置要有利于模具加工,排气、脱模及成型操作,塑料制件的表面质量等。
2. Determine the parting surface. The location of parting surface should
be conducive to mold processing, exhaust, demoulding and molding
operation, surface quality of plastic parts, etc.
3. 确定浇注系统(主浇道、分浇道及浇口的形状、位置、大小)和排气系统(排气的方法、排气槽位置、大小)。
3. Determine the gating system (shape, position and size of main runner,
runner and gate) and exhaust system (exhaust method, position and size
of exhaust slot).
4. 选择顶出方式(顶杆、顶管、推板、组合式顶出),决定侧凹处理方法、抽芯方式。
4. Select the ejection mode (ejector, pipe jacking, push plate, combined
ejection), and determine the side concave treatment method and core
pulling mode.
5. 决定冷却、加热方式及加热冷却沟槽的形状、位置、加热元件的安装部位。
5. Determine the cooling and heating methods, the shape and position of
heating and cooling groove, and the installation position of heating
6. 根据模具材料、强度计算或者经验数据,确定模具零件厚度及外形尺寸,外形结构及所有连接、定位、导向件位置。
6. According to the mold material, strength calculation or empirical
data, determine the thickness and overall dimension of the mold parts,
outline structure and the position of all connection, positioning and
guide parts.